The beeping continued, for hours, as I held her hand. I didn't have much to say, I didn't know what to say. The person that raised me was dying and I had not a word. She didn't know I was there, or who I was for that matter. I just sat there, thinking. Thinking of times that we had together that were good times. I know she thinks of those often and chose to forget the bad times. However, the bad outweighed the good, and I didn't understand how she could not remember those times when she did have her wits to her. I could have flown to her, to be with her longer, but I didn't want to. It was uncomfortable for me to be there. I took my time driving cross country, thinking of childhood memories. You know the ones, the memories of running away for the first time, or when your mother told you that you can only call her yes, mother, no mother. Momma, mommy, mom wasn't in the vocabulary. Or what about those memories ...