
Showing posts from January, 2013

Trapped in a Bubble

Things dont always seem like they appear.  Like the message that is posted on car mirrors, "objects may appear larger than they really are". 

10 Things I would tell my 16 yr old self

Things I would tell my 16yr old self 1. That guy with the cool Nissan truck… will be bald and broke in 10 years. 2. Stay after class and talk to Coach Al. 3. Stay away from the frizzy perms. 4. Invent Facebook. 5. No matter how thin you are, no one looks good in white leggings. 6. Don’t burn all of your bridges. 7. Demand braces. 8. Wear sunscreen all of the time. 9. Remember everyone you meet.  10. Do not agree to sell the chocolates!

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. This little girl was not a bad girl, for children are never bad.  This little girl wanted to be perfect.  She wanted to be a good girl so her mother would stop beating her.  The little girl wanted her mother to treat her like a princess, that she would read about in books.  The little girls parents were divorced and her father never came to see her.  Every weekend the little girl would wait by the steps for her father to come and rescue her from her mother.  The father never showed up, and the little girl would cry her eyes out.  She was certain that her father did not love her, because the little girl was not perfect.  She wanted so much to be perfect.  The mother drank a lot and when she went out drinking she would leave the little girl alone.  Sometimes the little girl was scared and often she would sneak to watch the television or play alone in her room. Often her mother came home late a...

Wordless Wednesday Not (1-9-13)

  Wishing... hah