May is almost gone???
Where has the time gone? This entire year is moving too fast and to top it off, Bryant is now counting down the days till summer, like he has some great trip he is going to go on, or some excited life he is going to lead. Doubtful. Brian went to play golf on Sunday, it was funny to hear the stories and of course Mr. H had them dimples going on!! I think that I am going to write about the Moose. Funny stories of course... this would be chapter 1 When I am talking with friends who have no idea what i do on the weekends they think that my life is full of exciting stories and commentary about the people around me. I am the water cooler, they come to me to hear about what people their same age do on a Friday and/or Saturday night. Well, this Tuessday was no exception. I was getting ready to start digging into my emails when I get a "ping" I look on my Instant Messenger and see Type A personality write, " I am not in a good mood, please humor me " I knew exactly wh...