
Showing posts from July, 2008

Such the busy life we lead

I am taking Mr B to get his drivers permit this week, he failed the test the first time, and now he gets to take it again and he is starting to quiz himself and also trying to get me to give a wrong answer. OMG and I did!!! I am so not telling which question I missed, and I do not plan on changing my rules of this practice and the book just does not make any sense. Welcome to Virginia right?? Friday night he worked at the lodge while I talked with the girls and I only had 2 beers and then water the rest of the night, I had to get up early to go to New Market for golfing. Mr B decided at the last minute to stay home, but he kept the dog for me. I also told him that we are going to the bank this week and getting him a checking account. He needs to learn to budget his money and I know he would have more to save if he would deposit it. So I need a bank within walking distance, and also that provides online access so I can keep track of it. We also started talking about interesting a...
We are going to Richmond for the weekend. Have a convention to go to. Bryant and his friend are also coming, last time that they went with us, they both hooked up with girls, hooking up meaning talking to them, and I am thinking that they are going to be there this time becuase both of the boys are admant about going. They even went to the store to buy snacks and things. Interesting if you ask me. i am still hounding Bryant about getting some sort of job to help with his end of the bargain, he wont be working this friday so he wont have any money next week. He is so not going to be bumming off of me. Anyways, things are starting to fall into place with the new house. I am getting accustomed to it and finally starting to fall asleep before midnight, which is great and I have not had to take a sleeping pill for a few days. I am glad.

Boy driver on the road... I think not

He went for his drivers test in Virginia. WITHOUT looking at the manual. I did not take him, I figure that the man child could take him and they could do man child stuff in the car if Bryant would have passed the test. So... He gets home... Mom, I missed 6... Anotherwords, I say.. you failed. No I am not too politically correct when he does not study for a test, he deserves what he gets. So we went over the questions that he had missed and I knew the answers as soon as he asked the question. I told him some of the answers will come as common sense when you start paying attention when you are driving with someone instead of living in your own world. He needs to start watching. Anyways other than that things have been non eventful. We both have been working and tryingt o kee afloat with the chores at home and trying to find something good on the tele, we watched the mole last night, nbot sure if I like it this season. I am trying to figure out what happened to Amazing race. I mee...