You know when you get 'those' emails and make you remember back to the good times, and then when you talk about it in a large group everyone says, "they stayed out till the street lights came on". I love those emails, and with each one, I can say yes I do remember. Some of these though, I did not remember. Maybe some of my older readers will! All the girls had ugly gym uniforms? It took three minutes for the TV to warm up? Nobody owned a purebred dog? When a quarter was a decent allowance? You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny? Your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces? You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time? And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot? Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box? It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents? They threatened to keep kids back a grade...