45 days in

Yes, as well as everyone else, I am amazing that our President is allowing a major corporation to destroy our ecosystem, our livelyhood and the future of the Earth. This is the 45th day that BP has been allowed to spill oil into the Gulf, with of course stiff penalties, cash penalties, in the millions of dollars. Is that going to bring back the ecosystem of the Gulf to where certain plants and aminals would go extinct without marshes found in the Gulf?

Are those millions and millions of dollars going to cover when that oil is transferred into a cloud (forgot what the process is called, and I am too pissed to look it up right now) and it starts raining... Imagine what that is going to be like when the rainwater is testing for harsh chemicals that are being driven further inland...

But who cares right? Let the oil continue to plunge into the sea. Oh poor BP man who can't take a vacation.. get over it!

45 days...

Like money is going to make everything better. Yea okay! The fishermen who work the Gulf are losing their financial well being, not just this year, but for years to come. Lets just throw them a bone, some cash to appease them and make them be quiet and go away. Yea, that works.

Imagine if you will a Hurricane, since of course this is the 2nd or 3rd day of Hurricane season, that will be pointed towards the Gulf, at record speed and intensity. What do you think is going to happen to all of that oil that is stuck in the marshes and under the sea? Do you think BP cares?

45 days, and no solution...

Why would we allow for a company to drill so far underneath the sea floor at a depth that is astronomical without a gauranteed safe back up plan in case, OMG one of these drills explodes. We all have seen Armageddon, we all know things blow up at the most inopportune times. Hello people, it is time for the Administration, whomever is running it today, since I am sure Obama is golfing, and major oil companies to figure out a way for this never to happen again...
Seems like an easy fix right?? I bet sometime down the road, it will be told that BP didn't have the authorization to even drill that far?? ya think??

Lets see how they try to blame this one on the Bush Adminstration. Yea, anyone see Nancy talk lately? OMG! Enough said, lets get back to the 45 day thing...

Oh wait, I think that the damage has been done. It is irreversable. We will be the demise of our own civilization and our planet.

Nice work guys.


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